Time To Simplify | How Startup Christian Entrepreneurs Manage Time + Leverage Podcast Visibility in 90-Day Sprints

Putting 70,000 Thoughts To Work - Brain-Based Solutions for Your Business | #232

Episode 232

When you think of the word entrepreneur, what comes to mind immediately?

🔎How would you define Mindful Entrepreneurship?
👀What do you think of when I say, "Holy Noticing"?

I'm on a mission to go deeper with you as we discover the why behind the what.  When you understand how what you do is an outcome of what's going on in that beautiful brain of yours, you're in a powerful position to experience mindful change - transformational change - aligned with God's Word and His call for your business.

Charles Stone + Book
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Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6

Time To Simplify
Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

I help startup Christian entrepreneurs leverage resources so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people, places + play they treasure most.

What Are You Doing With Those 70,000 Thoughts Each Day? Brain-Based Solutions for Your Business | #232


[00:00:00] Jen Rogers: Real quick. When I say entrepreneur, you say ___________. 

[00:00:05] Jen Rogers: Currently, I'm reading a book, Holy Noticing. The Bible, your brain, and the Mindful Space Between Moments; it's authored by Charles Stone who is a pastor of over 35 years.  His passion is to intersect neuroscience with biblical truth. If you're like me, you’re geeky about how your brain works. Did you catch a powerful word often mentioned in scripture? Mind. The mindful space between moments. How do you maintain mindfulness? 

[00:00:41] Jen Rogers: Especially as an entrepreneur who has a lot of scurrying, worrying and hurrying. Perhaps you can relate to those times where you find yourself in one space daydreaming about another, it's as if your mind has checked out. You are in a mindless moment. Yet, we know [00:01:00] that God calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Would God call us to do something that we simply could not do? I say no. Listen, holy noticing, maintaining mindfulness or moving to this heightened state of awareness – it takes practice. In next week's episode, I'll be sharing an immersive interview with my new friend and colleague Logan Hufford. 

[00:01:23] Jen Rogers: He's a recovered sexual addict and he shared something that you'll hear the full story next week in this interview. For this week, you must know this 

[00:01:34] Jen Rogers: one powerful lesson about moving from one state of mind to another. 

[00:01:41] Logan Hufford: I had affair after affair for years. And my wife knew about these affairs. I would confess every time I would have a full-on sexual affair. I would confess those because it ultimately, because I would feel bad. I would feel bad about porn.

[00:01:55] Logan Hufford: I would feel bad about my double life in general, but I [00:02:00] wouldn't confess all the flirting. I wouldn't confess the porn usually, but if I would have a sexual affair, I'd confess those things because it would bubble up. And then I would, so I'd vomit. And I'm so sorry I did this. And then not change my behavior.


[00:02:15] Logan Hufford: finally, after one more affair that spanned the entire month of July in 2015, my wife Carrie did something she'd never done before and she gave me an ultimatum. She said, okay, if you don't get serious help, if there's not serious change, then you will lose me and the boys. She was pregnant with our fourth son.

[00:02:34] Logan Hufford: And there was no switch that just got flipped. And I became healthy that day. it was almost a year before I got sober, May 19th of 2016 is my sobriety date. So almost a year later, but that did, that was a wake up call that did spur me on to go, okay, I got to do something different; the way I always put it is I started to do some things differently, which is ridiculously weak verbiage, but it [00:03:00] is accurate.

[00:03:01] Logan Hufford: Like I didn't just become this healthy person, but I did start to invite in resources. I started to seek out, healthy resources. and then thankfully that became a really awesome snowball effect where it took a while, but once I started to get a little bit of traction, I started to, get to know certain, some people that had some hope that had some healing.

[00:03:21] Logan Hufford: Then that now meeting more people. Now I'm, gaining more resources and now I'm getting more traction. that snowball effect works both ways, right? That the more unhealthy I get and the more destructive I get, it just gets worse and harder to stop. And in this way, God was showing me the beautiful end of that, which is.

[00:03:38] Jen Rogers: Yeah. Once I start inviting healthy people into my life and resources and healthy council, it doesn't just make life perfect, but it really does build and build. And of course, that's a key part of the infrastructure piece, Did you catch the timeline from the addiction to sobriety for Logan? A year. Gaining traction takes time. I know we don't like that part. It's [00:04:00] true. We don't like it, and yet it takes time. Uh, to implement shifts. When you accept that there is no switch you get to flip to create this heightened state of mindfulness. 

[00:04:12] Jen Rogers: You can start inviting healthy counsel into your business decisions, allowing the Lord to transform you into a more mindful entrepreneur. The opening of today's episode started like this. When I say, entrepreneur, you say. If you filled in the blank with mindful, we must connect. I want to hear from you find me on social and send me a DM! Because I want to glean from your wisdom. Hey, the mission of time to simplify is definitely to fill our minds with the power of leverage. 

[00:04:47] Jen Rogers: Simplifying those erratic swings often found in the entrepreneurial journey. And bring you tons of clarity on your mindful next steps. I believe you can have a successful [00:05:00] business without going broke. I believe you can have a successful podcast without running around with your hair on fire. And I believe you can fulfill the call. 

[00:05:11] Jen Rogers: God has placed on your life. Hey there. I'm your hostess with the mostest and I am so honored to be in your earbuds today. My name is Jen Rogers. If you are feeling a bit of a gap in between where your mind is and where you long to go consider me. The belief gap filler. I'll mindfully stand in the gap for you. 

[00:05:32] Jen Rogers: As we learn together, God's call for your entrepreneurial heart and journey. I'm here because for too long, I thought it was mindful about my business, but in reality, my brain, it was, uh, it was all jumbled with all the things I thought I needed to do to grow my business, all the mimicking, all the imposter syndrome that I. I experienced launching my podcast. 

[00:05:57] Jen Rogers: It was really a bundle of anxiousness [00:06:00] frustration, and hearing that voice, tell me over and over again. It was time to quit. My mission can be boiled down to a couple of essential ideas. One, you don't need to buy all the things. Tony, if you're listening to today's episode heads up, you don't need to buy any more stuff. I'll help you learn where to invest and what to avoid wasting your money on. Too, you can do this. Maybe not the exhaustive way you're practicing right now. But you can do this mindfully friend. And three, if you keep doing the same dog gone thing. You'll do worse than get the same results. 

[00:06:42] Jen Rogers: Yes. You'll get those same results that are frustrating you, but you'll also experience increased anxiousness doubt and imposter syndrome. Essentially my mission is to help you build that infrastructure Logan mentions so you can be spurred on to do the [00:07:00] good works 

[00:07:00] Jen Rogers: our heavenly Abba has prepared in advance for you to do. If you need a mindful boost, there is one last opportunity this Friday in just a couple of days to connect with me and solve one question for you through the power of coaching. Head on over to coachjenrogers.com/JumpInWithJen so we can meet together September 27th at 12:33 PM Eastern.

[00:07:25] Jen Rogers: This is the last call for the virtual meetups for now.

[00:07:29] Jen Rogers: Speaking of jumping in. It reminds me of jumping on that Pogo stick when I was a kid, I loved that by the way. Hey, let's jump into some holy noticing of our own on today's episode. Number 232 of Time to Simplify, so you can mindfully notice things with a holy perspective.

[00:07:52] Jen Rogers: P S if you think this is a bunch of Woo-woo, mumbo jumbo, Listen up. Studies show 

[00:08:00] that a spiritual discipline, like holy noticing practiced, just a few minutes a day, he has so many potential benefits. I mean, this is covered in so many scientists who studied the brain and I know we need to filter what the scientists say because, um, there have been things that have been not quite accurate. However, I suspect you have experienced some of them when you've taken the time to slow down and notice what's happening around you with an eye to mindfulness. 

[00:08:32] Jen Rogers: You may not have called it that, but that's exactly what you were experiencing. You will experience things like a more controlled thought life. You'll have more restful sleep. You'll be a lot less anxious, which means you'll probably be less involved in conflicts and actual fighting. In losing your temper with the people that you love the most, which after all. one of the main reasons we go into business is

[00:09:00] because we have a passion to serve and we are seeking something outside of what the world says to do in that typical nine to five experience; we are seeking more than that. 

[00:09:11] Jen Rogers: We are seeking time freedom. We are seeking financial freedom. We are seeking a heightened awareness so we can spend time with the people that we love the most. 

[00:09:22] Jen Rogers: If you want to strengthen your spiritual life, if you want to be less distracted and more focused in what you're doing, then listen in for the rest of this episode. 

[00:09:31] Jen Rogers: Drawn from the book. Holy noticing. The Bible. Your brain. 

[00:09:35] Jen Rogers: and the mindful space between moments.

[00:09:40] Jen Rogers: How do you define Christian mindfulness? Well, let's borrow Charles Stone definition. The art of holy noticing. Noticing with a holy purpose, god and his handiwork. [00:10:00] Noticing our relationships. And our inner world of thoughts and feelings. If you've been around the show for a while, you know I have a lot of thoughts about our thoughts and our feelings and all too often, we allow our thoughts to go down this rabbit trail and chase those feelings and speak negative,

[00:10:19] Jen Rogers: “I am” statements over ourselves. This is why it's critical. We know our identity in Christ. We know who God says we are because the world wants to tell us a whole lot of things that have nothing to do with the holiness of God. You must know your identity in Christ. And when you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, Scripture tells us you are holy, you are righteous and you are redeemed that God sees you through the blood of Jesus Christ. 

[00:10:53] Jen Rogers: I couldn't think of a better gift out there. I believe honoring the Lord with our gifts, practicing holy noticing, sacrificing some things that we want to do to spend time with the Lord so he can transform us by the renewing of our minds.

[00:11:14] Jen Rogers: Frequently, we go back to Romans 12 in this renewing of our mind, this sacrificing our bodies, this desire to sacrifice those things that are important to us, so we can learn what God is saying. He wants us to focus on. And again, this only happens through practice and through prayer. 

[00:11:35] Jen Rogers: It is an absolute decision to submit to the authority, to the holiness of the Lord. So that's really the first step! We must decide in order to experience Holy noticing, I suppose if I were saying it to myself, I need to submit my right to be right. I do like to be right and I need to submit the ideas that [00:12:00] I have to lay them before the Lord and ask him to seek out his word, to read scripture, to learn what God is saying. 

To ask powerful questions. Such as, if I pursue this opportunity,

➤how does it align with what my understanding is of where God is already leading me? 

➤Is this something way out there?

➤Have I sought godly counsel on this? 

➤How does this fit into my overall service to my clients? 

➤How does this fit into my overall schedule? 


Let's be real. There's a lot of things that we could be doing that simply do not fit into our schedule. These are the powerful kind of questions we can begin to discern when we take this first step of submitting to holy noticing

[00:12:50] Jen Rogers: It's really becoming aware that we are in the presence of a holy, mighty, powerful, wonderful creator of the world.

[00:12:59] Jen Rogers: If [00:13:00] you've done any study of the brain, or if you have kids, you have definitely heard about the prefrontal cortex. And this flight or fight response and how it develops over time and the differences between boys and girls. Listen, we don't need to know all of the lobes and the cortexes and the neurons, all those things that come together to form. Our brains, which incidentally weigh about three pounds. 

[00:13:27] Jen Rogers: What we do need to acknowledge is our creator created them and it's our most. Powerful asset, the ability to think to discern, to worship. It's an incredible opportunity for us to learn how to use it in a way that not only enhances our business acumen, it helps us in our relationships. 

[00:13:51] Jen Rogers: Well, it's a fun fact to throw around that we have 70,000 thoughts a day or. there are over [00:14:00] 125 trillion synapses in her brain. The most important thing we need to know about her brain is we can change our brains. We absolutely can change the way we think. We are called to take every thought captive. And submit it to Christ. 

[00:14:18] Jen Rogers: We are called to renew our minds. We are told that we have the mind of Christ. it is our God given responsibility. He has entrusted to us to nurture all those brain cells, to grow our brains. And one of the best ways to do that is through meditating on scripture. Now, inside of the book by Charles Stone, he has an acronym of breathe B R E a T H E that he will walk you through 

[00:14:48] Jen Rogers: the entire process. in lieu of walking together through the entire process, I'm going to highlight each letter and then I'll make some comments about those before we close out this [00:15:00] episode for this week. B. Body ponder and yield your body.

[00:15:07] Jen Rogers: R relationships. Review and renew your relationships. 

[00:15:13] Jen Rogers: E environment what's going on around you? Notice and engage your environment. A. Effect. A F F E C T. Label and release your afflictive emotions, understanding your emotions. 

[00:15:31] Jen Rogers: T. Thoughts. Observe and submit your thoughts. 

[00:15:36] Jen Rogers: Next up the letter H. 

[00:15:39] Jen Rogers: this is all about your heart friend. Search and surrender your heart.

[00:15:45] Jen Rogers: And the last letter. The letter E. For engage in the world, engage in your environment.

[00:15:53] Jen Rogers: The beautiful thing about engaging in your environment is taking all that, you know, all that the [00:16:00] Lord and wisdom has taught you. And applying it when you're out and about in the world, this is walking around and interacting with people, exercising a biblical worldview. And it's clear that we need more people sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, because the world's pretty crazy right now. If you find yourself frazzled. On the brink of overwhelm and burnout. And you just don't know what to do next, because you've tried all the things and nothing is working. 

[00:16:32] Jen Rogers: If you're tired of taking lonely course after lonely course and not getting anywhere except lighter in your wallet, it's time to do a new thing, to make a mindful decision to work one-on-one with me. If you are considering launching a podcast, pivoting in your business or starting a brand new online business, I can help you do that without going broke, without buying all the things that you [00:17:00] really don't need and help you focus on getting one client. If you're just starting out and you're wondering how on earth do I do this? 

[00:17:08] Jen Rogers: Jen, be sure you take a listen to episode number 231. I'll link it in the show notes for you. For right now, if you know, if you are ready to invest in you and you know you need a little bit of encouragement someone to come alongside you and fill in that belief gap until you get there too, 

[00:17:27] Jen Rogers: I would be honored for you to consider me to be a part of your transformative journey, to be a part of the mindfulness you are extolling in your business 

[00:17:37] Jen Rogers: as you seek the Lord and you do the work. One of the ways I find that is the most productive in getting something done is having a plan. We must have a plan. And when we do things in a 90-day sprint, we experience such a noticeable shift, not just in our businesses. In our confidence level too. [00:18:00] And in our awareness of what's really important. 

[00:18:03] Jen Rogers: So if you're ready to launch without going broke, head on over to coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach, and you can apply for the next 90 day sprint. I pray in between now. And the next episode you do indeed take time to breathe. That you give yourself permission to process all of the things that have brought you to this point, because you are on the brink of something incredible.

[00:18:32] Jen Rogers: I'm your host, Jen Rogers. I'm absolutely delighted to mindfully, spend time with you each and every week I prepare an episode. I am thinking of you. I am praying for your success. And I am asking the Lord to provide opportunities for us to connect in meaningful ways. 

[00:18:52] Jen Rogers: Growing that "R" in breathe, going deeper into relationship. It's one of the joys of my entrepreneurial [00:19:00] journey. So I cannot wait to find you in my inbox, applying for the next VIP sprint. 

[00:19:06] Jen Rogers: God bless you. 

[00:19:08] Jen Rogers: P S if this mindful episode helped you, will you share it with a friend? And if you're feeling extra generous, well, not just feeling but willing to mindfully act out on that feeling of leaving a five-star review on your favorite podcast app. Your mindfulness will

[00:19:25] Jen Rogers: help other entrepreneurs become significantly less frazzled as they learn that this calling is a holy mindful calling. All right, I'll catch you in the next episode!

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