Time To Simplify | How Startup Christian Entrepreneurs Manage Time + Leverage Podcast Visibility in 90-Day Sprints

The Mindset Shift + One Action Required So You Don't Quit | #231

Episode 231

Know how we sometimes look past the very obvious thing we need for growth?

It's time to give yourself permission to shift your mindset and focus on one crucial aspect for business success. 

You'll need to say NO to many things that are detracting from the business God called you to build.  Let's get to:

↳ Avoiding the noise and the crowds online...
↳ Importance of this One Thing You MUST have!
↳ The ABCs of Client Acquisition
↳ Market Research and Branding
↳ Focus

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Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6

Time To Simplify
Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

I help startup Christian women entrepreneurs leverage resources so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people, places + play they treasure most.

The Mindset Shift + One Action Required So You Don't Quit | #231


[00:00:01] Do you need to give yourself permission? To shift. Are you so busy attempting to force that proverbial square peg into the round hole. In a desperate attempt to kickstart your business. What if you gave yourself some breathing room to think about what you're thinking about. Today's online space is crowded. 

[00:00:29] It's noisy. It's overrun with false promises. Fake testimonials and worse yet. Phony credentials. That may sound good at first, but ring hollow, as you dive into verifying said credentials. How much time do you want to waste feeling stuck? Chasing after other people's content ideas to spark your own vacillating between this, that, and the other thing 

[00:00:55] And then you just say, you know what, it's time to grab some double Dutch [00:01:00] fudge brownie ice cream from the freezer, because after all we do need food to have energy, to think. Um, well, this is not a show about nutrition. 

[00:01:10] Although if you are a crunchy mama, I totally get you. 

[00:01:14] I've had my share of times when I have succumbed to the ice cream beckoning my name. In today's episode, I'm going to invite you to give yourself permission to let it all go. So you can shift to one major thing in your business that you must must, must have no matter what you do. 

[00:01:36] You must have this one thing in your business, because if you don't have this. Well, you'll likely find yourself digging into the French vanilla ice cream bucket, too!. When you acquire this one thing, you'll commit to focusing your energy to implementing only those things you must implement. You've got to stop chasing shiny objects friend. 

[00:01:59] And that's [00:02:00] exactly the mission of time to simplify. To remind you that you do have what it takes without exhausting your mind and your wallet on things you don't need to start your launch, your podcast, your new business, or successfully plan and implement your pivot. You can do this, but only when you have this one thing. 

[00:02:25] And if you don't get this one thing ASAP, your business will join the more than 3,200 startups that. Went under in the prior year alone. You know, the old adage that you can't solve a problem until you identify a problem. Well, there's this problem. The majority of entrepreneurs fail within the first five years. So you must decide if you are ready to beat the stats by doing this one thing. So you can do the things that matter in your business. [00:03:00] Hey there. 

[00:03:00] I'm Jen Rogers, your host have time to simplify. I am passionate about helping you not only identify the problem, but guiding you in prevention strategies. So you can avoid joining the ranks of so many entrepreneurs who simply don't make it. Creating a business is messy business. It's incredibly challenging. 

[00:03:23] And you know, it, you know, when you don't. 

[00:03:27] Creating a creating a business is messy business. It is incredibly challenging. And when you don't know what you don't know, you can, and you will make a ton of mistakes. I won't promise I can keep you free from all mistakes. However, I will promise you that when you work with me, you'll avoid the all too common mistakes. 

[00:03:51] So many entrepreneurs fall prey to you'll also gain key insights on how to leverage what you've got without [00:04:00] losing your mind, or I suppose gaining a bunch of pounds around your waste from all that ice cream. He one of my favorite. Hey, one of my favorite ways to leverage the resources that we have is through podcasting. 

[00:04:14] Whether you're looking to host your own show or appear as a guest on others, your voice is your gift. The question we will answer in today. The question we will answer in today's episode is how you can use it to get that one most important thing you must have in your business. If you'd like to learn more about leveraging podcasting or you have questions about any aspect of your pivot podcast or start a business. 

[00:04:42] You've got two more incredible opportunities to join me on Fridays in September. Just two more. If you're stuck, you won't take action. And, you know, if you don't take action. You will stay stuck. Who wants that? Not you, not me. For sure. We don't [00:05:00] want to stay stuck. So let's work together to solve that one thing to keep you in action in your business. Head on over to coach Jen rogers.com. Forward slash jump in with Jen to join me at 12:33 PM. 

[00:05:14] Eastern on Friday, September 20th or 12:30 PM on Friday, September 27th. Or both Fridays remaining in September for a no brainer flat rate of 47. Smackers are you ready to jump in? Are you ready to jump in? I can't wait to hear from you personally inside a virtual meetup. These last two Fridays in September at 12:33 PM. 

[00:05:38] Eastern head on over to coach Jen rogers.com forward slash. Jump in with Jen to register now. And I will see you in a few days, welcome to this sweet, sweet space where together in episode number 231 of time do simplify. I'll share that one thing you must have for your business to succeed. And more [00:06:00] importantly, what you must stop doing right now. 

[00:06:03] That's scaring this one thing You know, when someone else can see what you simply cannot see. When we are so deep within our own creation, we often miss the obvious. And once I tell you what the one thing is that you need, you'll likely say, Jen, I know that already. If that's true, then what's preventing you from having this one thing. On several client calls this past week, I worked with women. Who shared incredible frustration over their businesses. They were doing all the things that weren't, this one thing. I'll share some of those in one hot second, because if you spend time in the wrong places

[00:06:42] and spaces, your business will fail. Did you guess that one thing. All right. All right. I've held out long enough. This one thing is dun...dun...dun......!!!!! 

[00:06:55] A client!. You need one client. [00:07:00] Do you have one client? Then you need another one. You see each one client is your momentum to securing another client. This one thing is the one thing you always need. You're not creating a business for yesterday and today. You're creating a business that will last, that means you are acquiring future customers, future clients, future business today for tomorrow. You are creating a business that will last. 

[00:07:36] When you forget to focus on obtaining one client, your energy can drift into areas that have nothing to do with client acquisition. Here's what I mean? Or another way to say it is, here are some things to avoid doing 

[00:07:51] until you experience client building momentum. 


[00:07:55] Let me break it down into some ABCs. [00:08:00] A. A is for avoid.

[00:08:03] Avoid designing and redesigning your website. You need to work with a client to understand what it is that they truly need to hear their language, to understand where their problem areas are. It's so important that you have your, I help statement nailed. Do you have your, I help statement nailed. I help startup entrepreneurs leverage their resources so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people, places and play 

[00:08:41] they treasure most. I know my, I help statement. I know my client is running around with their hair on fire. Redesigning her website. Updating her Calendly appointments, deciding whether she uses a video platform. Deciding which [00:09:00] microphone is really the best microphone. Scrolling on social media doing quote unquote research for your ideal client. You must know your, I help statement. 

[00:09:12] Now the challenge in startup entrepreneurship or pivoting is this, you don't exactly know, nor do you have confidence yet in your I help statement? You know, the way that you get confidence in your, I help statement. You practice it, you bounce it off people who are your ideal clients.

[00:09:33] focus on talking to your ideal clients. If you do not have an ideal client, if you do not have your, I help statement nailed, this is the thing that will prevent you from getting your one client. You must know what you are about. The best way to get your ideal client takes us right to the letter. B. 

[00:09:55] B is for branding. You must brand [00:10:00] you. Not a program, not a course, not a podcast. I am so guilty of that. I thought when I first started out, my podcast was my brand. My podcast is not my brand. I am my brand. And, you know how I learned that? The hard way. I kept pushing that square peg in the round hole and got so frustrated because it wasn't working because I was running around with my hair on fire. 

[00:10:28] I was doing all the wrong things. I was setting up websites and I was setting up products and I was setting up sales pages and I was setting up Calendly appointments for this, that, and the other thing yet, I wasn't marketing myself because I didn't even know my brand. I didn't understand the concept and the importance of having. Having a brand.

[00:10:49] Let me insert a short note here that if you want to dive deeper into branding, be sure you listen to episode number 228. [00:11:00] Okay, let's go back.

[00:11:00] Market research is what helps you build your brand. 

[00:11:05] Now I've created a training that focuses on whether or not you want to say yes to podcasting. And the thing is that training, which takes less than one hour and is accompanied by great videos and a workbook, will teach you what you need to get started. Even if you're saying no to a podcast, because you must cull through all the noise, and decide what it is that you are standing for. And, you know, the best way that you learn what you're standing for? You talk about what you don't stand for. Because as you think about it, when my husband asked me, where do I want to go for dinner? 

[00:11:47] I'll often say, well, I don't know. And he'll say, do you want to go for Mexican? And I'll say, No. Do you want Italian? No, I don't. Well, what do you want? Well, I don't know. [00:12:00] So he'll rattle off some more things and then I might land on sushi, but I don't know yet until I'm going through and saying,. Not that, not that, not that. Here's a very basic question. 

[00:12:12] It's so obvious that we miss it. Do you want to work with clients who can afford to invest in you? I pray your answer is yes. Yes. You want to speak to clients who have a growth mindset who want to invest in what you offer. It takes time and money for you to do what I'm doing,

[00:12:33] if you're creating a podcast, it takes a lot of time for you to build your business. And the thing is, is when you hire somebody, you're not a McDonald's worker. You are not an hourly rate kind of worker. You are delivering an outcome. The question is, what outcome are you delivering?

[00:12:54] If I were to dive deeper into a subsequent, I help statement, I [00:13:00] could have another one. It would sound something like this. 

[00:13:03] I help people who want to start a podcast, launched their show in 90 days so they can elevate their credibility and authority using podcasting to reach their ideal clients. 

[00:13:18] By the way! If that's you, if that resonates with you, you want to elevate your credibility and authority through the power of podcasting and get launched in 90 days, head on over to coach Jen rogers.com. Forward slash podcast, coach applications are open for the next cohort. Head on over to coach Jen rogers.com. forward slash podcast. 

[00:13:42] Coach, get your application in ASAP for the next cohort that's beginning soon.

[00:13:48] This episode is brought to you by all the clients I have worked with who are no longer running around with their hair on fire, because they [00:14:00] have learned, they must get one client and they are always focused on getting one client. It drives every decision they make. We’ve talked about a and B avoid doing all those things where you're running around with your hair on fire, trying to get all of these resources, buy all this software, take all this training buy the courses that just stay in your email. 

[00:14:25] You never really open them. And you forget that you bought them. And instead 

[00:14:30] focus on how do I get one client? How do I know what I am about? Who I actually help? How do I brand myself? And that's where we talked about market research. The last thing I want to share with you today, it takes us to the letter C 

[00:14:45] At the beginning of the episode, I promised you that when you know this one thing. You'll commit to focusing your energy to implementing only those things you must implement to get this one, C 

[00:14:58] And C is for [00:15:00] client because we must start with the end in mind. What type of client is our ideal client? All too often, we focus on the pain points and we say, okay, these are the pain points they are experiencing. And I do not intend to mitigate the value of that, in any way, shape or form understanding the pain points. Are important. 

[00:15:24] However, there are other things your client is going through. And you must. Must be aware. aware. You must have empathy. If I skip over D I'd just go to E and put an E in there out of order. You must have empathy for your client truly. You must truly want to help them. Listen being an entrepreneur, we know that there is money involved, but we get all torqued up 

[00:15:47] when we think about the money and we get so focused on the money that we forget the ABCs of client acquisition. So we must again avoid running around with our [00:16:00] hair on fire, doing all the things that do not create income. We must build our brand through the power of market research. And we must focus on the client, understanding the client and know that as your business grows, your client will change. 

[00:16:20] They will shift as well because you're always working upward in the sense that you are always learning. So you will continue to apply new things that you learn. If you find yourself in the middle of a pivot or thinking about a pivot, you know exactly what I mean, you knew what you were about. You knew who you were serving, but that time is done. 

[00:16:41] I've experienced the same thing, when I pulled the trigger, finally, it was so painful to say, I'm moving to serving startup entrepreneurs instead of serving stepmoms. Now the thing is I still get to serve stepmoms because about half the population are in blended families. So there are a [00:17:00] lot of step mama entrepreneurs out there And if you are. out there, you're doing double duty, all those things that you learned as a stepmom, you can apply those to your entrepreneurial journey. It definitely takes tenacity. The most important thing you need is FOCUS! You must know what you're about. Who you serve, who you help and what the outcome is going to be. 

[00:17:22] If you'd like some help in knowing who you help, I would love to help you. And I absolutely would. I would love to see you jumping with Jen on the last two Fridays in September. Again, coach Jen rogers.com forward slash jump in with Jen. 

[00:17:41] Wow, there you go. You heard it from the peanut gallery, otherwise known as my golden retriever. Rex. Rex Bruno is inviting you to jump in with me on Fridays 12:33 PM. 

[00:17:54] Eastern. You have two opportunities left to jump in with Jen. [00:18:00] You have two opportunities left to jump in with Jen. 

[00:18:03] I know if you're skeptical about coaching. I get it. I totally get it because the first time that I even heard about LIFE coaching, I did the teeny bopper eyeball roll. And I thought really, I mean, what is a life coach? And then I experienced the power of coaching.

[00:18:19] often when I experienced something that jazzes my soul, I want to go all in and I am all in on coaching. That's why I am a certified professional coach, because I knew that I wanted to have the credibility to say to you that I have trained. I am a specialist when it comes to coaching. 

[00:18:42] I am also a specialist when it comes to helping you launch your podcast and get unstuck. So come on in, on any Friday, left in September and get unstuck. If you don't, if you say, no, you are saying yes to staying stuck and I [00:19:00] don't know about you, but that does not sound too great to me. That's not a place where I want to be, because I want to do the ABCs of avoiding all those things that make me kind of crazy. 

[00:19:10] And don't build my business. I want to focus on my brand and I want to focus on clients. That is what I want to do to grow my business and you can do the same thing. All right. Hey, thank you so much for putting me in your earbuds today. I am so grateful for you. In fact, you know what I haven't done in awhile, I haven't read any podcasting reviews and I've got to tell you there have been some great reviews that have come in. 

[00:19:37] they just light me up. They absolutely do. They let me know. Yes, Jen. I know you're out there cause podcasting, it can feel pretty lonely. 

[00:19:45] A special shout out to my new friend, Darla Bonk. We've actually met on LinkedIn. Hey, if you're on LinkedIn, I'm at theJenRogers, check me out there and connect with me on LinkedIn. 

[00:19:55] So Darla's over there as well. And she left a five-star review saying [00:20:00] class act and this review it, it brought tears to my eyes. I was so honored by this review. Darla says. Jen is engaging, thoughtful and has a clear and concise methodology by which she teaches how to podcast and help individuals in starting their business and thrive in their lives. She's intentional and her cadence is not only soothing, but it seeps into your mind to resonate in deep places. Everyone should give it a listen. Well, Darla, thank you so much. 

[00:20:30] I do invite you to share this podcast with a friend. And if you are feeling like giving an extra dose of love, then leave me a five-star review on your favorite podcasting platform. All right, that's going to do it for today. I will catch you in the next episode and I can't wait. 



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