Time To Simplify Podcasting | 90-Day Sprints for Entrepreneurial Podcast Hosts + Guests

Beyond Burnout: The Real Reason Podcasting Feels Hard | Featuring Lora Cheadle | #253

Episode 253

Have you given yourself an official diagnosis of burnout (or podfade)?

What if that is the wrong diagnosis?

Let's be real - our long-range plans will always take a circuitous route. That's the "adventure" part we like the idea of greatly - before we're experiencing the messy parts of growth.

Listen, I know you've got podcasting goals and a vision for how your show lines up with your long-range plans. Along the way, you'll diagnose many situations to take action on solving the next thing that comes your way.

However, when we misdiagnose a problem, we treat symptoms that can never make us well.  Oh, short-term, we may experience some relief, but longer term, the underlying problem comes to light.

↳ Podcasting is only one area of what we do. How we show up each time we record reveals what's at the core of who we are becoming.

In this episode, Lora and I uncover what may be hidden underneath a diagnosis of burnout and what you can do to grow through this part of your adventure.  

Jesus Christ's divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. 2 Peter 1:3-4  

Remember, You can do all things - THROUGH JESUS who strengthens you.

Ready to discover what'd lurking behind your overwhelm and learn practical strategies to reignite energy, passion, and purpose? Listen to this episode. You can also find Lora's book here

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