Time To Simplify Podcasting | 90-Day Sprints for Entrepreneurial Podcast Hosts + Guests

Monetize Your Microphone as a Host and Guest - Why You Need to Know Both Sides | #246

Episode 246

How are you maximizing Podcasting for your business?

You'll need more than a great name, engaging podcast art, and solid podcast descriptions to maximize podcasting.

Hosts + Guests alike must understand the process of putting together a binge-worthy podcast episode every episode.

It starts with brand awareness, trust building, and collaboration in the podcasting community. 

If you want to grow your business through podcasting and monetize your efforts, learn actionable strategies to grow your business footprint through effective podcasting techniques.

00:01 Avoid Being A One Hit Wonder

00:54 Podcasting Goals You Can Achieve

02:27 Grow your influence, your impact, and your income

05:36 Amplifying Visibility Through Podcasting

09:33 Effective Communication in Podcasting

13:43 Building Door-Opening Connections

15:02 Bootcamp Community inside the Virtual Podcast School

🎙Hook Your Audience: Turning Podcast Listens into Revenue | #239

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Time To Simplify Podcasting
Jen Rogers | Creator of the
90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

I teach experienced Christian entrepreneurs how to leverage podcasting so they can grow their impact, influence + income.

If you’re a successful business owner and you haven’t launched a show, it’s time to talk about how to put your voice and proven offers to work for you!

Monetize Your Microphone as a Host and Guest - Why You Need to Know Both Sides | #246

[00:00:00] Jen: How many one hit wonders can you think of? You know, the songs that only charted once and the bands were never heard from again. I went down a rabbit hole to research one hit wonders and I got caught up in a couple of YouTube videos with a song that had people dancing around the world. And yep, I was one of those people. 

[00:00:19] Jen: Do you have any guesses as to the name of this one hit wonder? I'll give you a clue. It was made famous by the Spanish pop duo Los De Rio, who originally recorded this one hit wonder in 1993. Got the guess? Got the answer? It's the Macarena!

[00:00:41] Jen: If you have no idea what I'm talking about, look it up after listening to this episode and learn how to dance the Macarena yourself. Warning, you just might find yourself getting hooked as you practice all of those moves. One hit wonders are exactly the opposite of what we're going for when we launch our podcast.

[00:01:00] Jen: We want every hit wonders. Why? Because high achievers want their work to resonate, to inspire people to take action. We want our podcast to have staying power. As hosts, we've got to put the work in to create episodes that deliver on our promise. . And while these things are important, it's more than our podcast title,

[00:01:21] Jen: our artwork and our descriptions align with what we do. As guests, we must research shows so we acquire more than a basic understanding of the hosts we want to partner with so we can be that mic dropping memorable guest as we serve new audiences well, and align what we're doing with our personal business 

[00:01:43] Jen: goals, if you've launched or are relaunching your show, or you're considering guesting, you don't want to be a one episode wonder! You're here because you know, podcasting is the long game to grow your business footprint. If you're frustrated with dwindling downloads, wrestling with a lack of responsiveness from your listeners, or

[00:02:05] Jen: you find yourself bummed because it feels like you're on the edge of pod burnout, you're in exactly the right place. Keep listening and I'll guide you back to brimming with excitement over all podcasting can do for your business, your relationships, and your communities.

[00:02:22] Jen: I believe 2025 is the year of podcasting!! In today's episode number 246 of time to simplify, I'll share why every host should guest and why every guest should understand hosting. By the end of this episode, I expect your passion for podcasting will compel you to take at least one action step to grow your business footprint through podcasting.

[00:02:51] Jen: When you host excellent episodes or guests on podcasts, you grow your influence, your impact, and yes, your [00:03:00] income, that's exactly what it means to simplify podcasting. To understand how it works, how we can improve our shows, and how we can streamline the guesting process for ourselves and for our hosts too.

[00:03:13] Jen: Hey there, I'm Jen Rogers, former Macarena dancer, not professionally of course, and lover of all things podcasting. I'm going all in on podcasting for 2025. From live launching nine bootcamps on the schedule to elite coaching for private clients to 90-day sprint memberships 

[00:03:32] Jen: I am working to help you hone your expertise in hosting and guesting. The possibilities for podcasting are, well, I think they're endless.

[00:03:42] Jen: 2025 is already opportunity filled, and it's still the end of 2024 for me as I craft this episode with you in mind. I am so excited to see what God will do for you and for me in 2025. If you want to learn how to simplify your own podcasting journey, you are in exactly the right place.

[00:04:01] Jen: Welcome, welcome. And if you're new here, I am honored to be in your earbuds. My mission is to simplify podcasting for you, so you can grow your business with content your market can't stop listening to.

[00:04:15] Jen: If you're like me, you want to get to the good stuff fast, and you want to go deep too. That's exactly what we're doing starting January 13th. Join me and some very special guests to learn how to hook your market and keep them yearning for more time with you.

[00:04:31] Jen: Head on over coachjenrogers.com/podcastbootcamp to monetize your podcast. We're live in the trenches together Monday through Friday at noon Eastern, streaming live inside the virtual podcasting school. It's a Facebook group created just for you and me. The only way to get access is to register and yep. Yep. If you've got something rolling when we are live, you'll be able to catch the replays, but only if you register for the bootcamp at coachjenrogers.com/podcastbootcamp .

[00:05:07] Jen: Let's dive into this episode to gain a deeper understanding of podcast host and guest dynamics, so we can put them to work for us. Are you ready? Let's do it.

[00:05:18] Jen: What has me here convincing you about the power of hosts guesting, and the importance of every guest understanding hosting? Well, if you are skeptical, let's start here. Let's address this head on so you can take advantage of being on either side of the microphone to grow your business. 

[00:05:36] Jen: Point number one, podcasting amplifies your visibility. Do you know who the stage whisperer is? Pete Vargas believes the power of stages exponentially expands your impact. I'm with Pete on this one. Podcasting is a stage, whether you're delivering your thought leadership in a stadium, a boardroom, or a Zoom square [00:06:00] recording a podcast episode, you are on a stage.

[00:06:03] Jen: You're being seen and heard. The more places people find you, the more your credibility goes up. Your presence and recurring message build trust. Doing it on another stage showcases your expertise to a fresh audience. In working with my client Anne, who is an expert at helping couples restore their marriage and build a life they love, we brainstormed ideas to expand her podcast guesting opportunities. Because Anne works mostly with Christian couples, we started where many of us do when we want to guest. We look for shows in our own niche. Listen in to this short clip from our coaching session where we expand upon that niche.

[00:06:48] Jen: "There are common misconceptions that we have about how we approach Guesting or how we approach hosting.

[00:06:55] Jen: So I've been asking myself, what would those be? And it would be that, well, if I'm a Christian, I need to only go on Christian podcasts. Not necessarily, especially with something like where you have here, right? And I have your one sheet where you're talking about the neuroscience of relationships.

[00:07:12] Jen: So if you're targeting a non-Christian audience and you want to talk about the neuroscience of relationships, there are a lot of things that you can talk about there. And your role as a guest is to have a listener say, tell me more. And the tell me more part is that you have been so compelling That they're going to click that link in the show notes to go find you.

[00:07:35] Jen: And they'll decide whether they want to continue the journey with you. But your role is to be fascinating and brilliant in your area of expertise and to be, to draw people in. "

[00:07:47] Jen: When you've been looking for guest opportunities, whether you're inviting someone onto your show, or you're looking for a show to guest on, have you done this niching mistake where you're looking for people who are only directly related to your niche? 

[00:08:03] Jen: this is your invitation to expand your research for shows that will be collaborative and not necessarily fully aligned, but there are enough pieces of the show that relate to your area of expertise.

[00:08:16] Jen: Let's recap how podcasting amplifies your visibility. One, you use other people's audiences to expand your reach. Two, your credibility goes up and you close that trust gap we are experiencing right now because buyers have been burned and they're much more careful now. The good news is I believe bad apples are being rooted out, which opens up new audiences and new opportunities for us.

[00:08:44] Jen: Yet we must build trust with them. And building trust, it doesn't just happen with one episode. You've got to keep showing up for your clients, the ones you have and the ones that you will have. And number three, an action item for you. [00:09:00] Ask yourself, what stages are complimentary to your niche? What hooks could you generate for these audiences?

[00:09:08] Jen: We'll cover this and more inside the podcasting monetization bootcamp. So be sure you register at coachjenrogers.com/podcastbootcamp

[00:09:18] Jen: Have I convinced you yet that podcasting as a host and a guest works through the expansion of your audience? If you're still feeling a bit skeptical, let's move on and let's talk about some crossover benefits to hosting and guesting. how would you describe your communication skills? What if you could become a better communicator?

[00:09:40] Jen: Would that help your business grow? Of course it would. Communication is the crossover benefit of hosting and guesting. Hosting and guesting enhance your communication because you're putting the reps in, because you're sharing your message over and over again, yet it's in new ways because you're collaborating with a host who asks you questions in new ways.

[00:10:05] Jen: So how you talk about what you do shifts and expands and it helps you gain more and more confidence in sharing your message. You also learn how to hook faster and bypass that worn out, I'm so excited to be here phrase that has listeners, well, tuning us out. Hot tip, instead of tuning listeners out, let's do this to draw them in. 

[00:10:29] Jen: You know when you've got a client who wonders whether your next offer is right for them? Instead of walking on eggshells trying to figure out the best approach to help them decide if this offer is right for them, What if you could confidently engage your client to get the best mutual result? That's what I do. I help entrepreneurs have meaningful conversations that are mutual wins. 

[00:10:54] Jen: What you just heard, the you know when you've got a client who wonders whether your next offer is right for them, that ended with, that's what I do. I help entrepreneurs have meaningful conversations that are mutual wins.

[00:11:07] Jen: I love teaching you know when statements. Instead of saying a fact in a boring fashion, I coach entrepreneurs, hook someone in through an invitation. That invitation will have them leaning in to hear whether they really do know when. Good hooks are all about creating connection, interest, and yes, even delighting your audience, which keeps someone longing to hear more from you.

[00:11:32] Jen: It's also not salesy when you talk about your business this way and how you help people. It's a confident way you can share your passion when you make your offers. Here's another example. You know when you're staring at your download numbers and wondering, Why the heck are all those listeners not buying from me?

[00:11:50] Jen: That can feel so deflating. Well, I offer hope and help for podcasters so they can monetize even smaller download numbers [00:12:00] with clear calls to action, so they can celebrate their growing sales numbers without doing any additional work or content creation. By the way, that you know, when is exactly what we will be doing January 13th through the 17th in the podcast monetization bootcamp. Each day

[00:12:20] Jen: I'm going live at noon Eastern inside the virtual podcast school Facebook group, you know, the only way to get access, you must register for the bootcamp. So head on over to coachjenrogers.com/podcastbootcamp to sign up. You know how some live trainings are just a stream of lectures?

[00:12:39] Jen: Yeah, we're not doing that. No, each day you'll take action to monetize podcasting. Whether you host, guest, or do both, you will implement strategies that will work for you. The first step is to register. Head on over to coachjenrogers.com/podcastbootcamp. You'll find that link in the show notes too.

[00:13:00] Jen: Your action step for communication, listen to examples of great hooks featured in episode number two hundred and thirty nine hook your audience turning podcast listens into revenue when you're done with today's episode scroll down to 239 so you can hear from my clients who are now expert hook creators for their own shows. 

[00:13:21] Jen: Okay, let's close out this mission of eradicating skepticism when it comes to podcasting to grow your business on either side of the microphone. We've already proven how podcasting amplifies your visibility and elevates your communication skills. The third reason why every host should guest and every guest should understand hosting.

[00:13:43] Jen: Well, would you like doors to open for you? Me too. Podcast networks are tight knit communities. And when you join the network by hosting your show and inviting people to come on and collaborate with you, or guesting on other people's shows, you will walk through more open doors. And those open doors, well, they lead to even more open doors.

[00:14:06] Jen: Podcast Networks When you show up to serve and you provide value to an audience, a host reciprocates by inviting you back on or recommending other shows for you. And they often set up an introduction for you so you can develop new partnerships and industry connections. When you show up to serve, your audience reciprocates by joining your community and investing in your solutions.

[00:14:31] Jen: I cover podcast guesting in more detail inside the podcasting standard operating procedures. If you haven't downloaded those yet, grab your copy so you can take your action item for this step, which is a work on your hooks. Grab that SOP. If you don't have it, go to

[00:14:47] Jen: www.coachjenrogers.com/podcastsop and you can snag your SOP so you can work on your hooks. The better your hooks, the more engaging your conversations will be on either side of the microphone. 

[00:15:02] Jen: Well, there you have it. I hope you are now convinced that podcasting on either side of the microphone grows your business footprint.

[00:15:10] Jen: And when your business footprint grows, your sales grow too. You can have more impact influence and income when you take the time to podcast well. If you're ready to amplify your impact, join the podcast monetization bootcamp happening January 13th to the 17th. Learn to grow your business with content your market can't stop listening to.

[00:15:37] Jen: Sign up today.

[00:15:38] Jen: PS, if you are wondering if the podcasting monetization bootcamp is right for you, and you're asking yourself, do I need to have a podcast to participate, the answer is yes and no! You don't need your own show to join us for the bootcamp. In fact it will be a great opportunity for you to experience, more open doors!

[00:15:59] Jen: Whether your podcast is brand spanking new, you're about to launch or relaunch, or you've been at this a while and you want to explore new ways of monetizing your show be sure you join us inside the bootcamp we kick it off January 13th. I can't wait to see you there.

[00:16:16] Jen: That's going to do it for episode number 246 and hey you don't need to come to the bootcamp alone! Invite a friend and I’ll see you inside the virtual podcast school. All right! I’ll catch you in the next episode.

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