Time To Simplify | How Startup Christian Entrepreneurs Manage Time + Leverage Podcast Visibility in 90-Day Sprints

How Do I Find and Keep My Audience? Q+A with Jen Rogers | #227

Episode 227

🧐How do you FIND and KEEP your audience?
Hey there, are you ready for another Q +A episode? Me, too!

Technically, finding and keeping are two questions and I am totally up for it! Learn exactly what you need to do first, before you light a bunch of money on fire and lose precious time attempting to launch your next thing all on your own.

You can learn from other people's mistakes without having to repeat them yourself. You in?

Cool. 🚀 Let's go!  The answers might just surprise you...
Highly recommend you grab your fave🥤beverage and📝notepad for this one!

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Philippians 4:6

Time To Simplify
Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

How Do I Find and Keep My Audience? Q+A with Jen Rogers | #227

I help startup Christian women entrepreneurs leverage resources so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people, places + play they treasure most.

#227 Time To Simplify

[00:00:00] Jen: Hey there. Hey there, are you ready for another Q and a day? I am so ready for another Q and a day. Today's question comes to us from Wendy. Wendy also said, yes, I'm going to explore this podcast training. To find out whether or not podcasting is right for me. And she's completely unsure whether or not that is her next step. 

[00:00:19] Jen: And that's totally cool because she is going to learn exactly what several. Other clients are sharing. That they are learning more about who they serve, how they want to show up. What the pain points are of the people that they are serving, what their own pain points are, the kind of work that it's going to take to actually launch a show or launch a blog or launch a YouTube channel. 

[00:00:45] Jen: These are all things that are taken into consideration. When you decide to take the training, the mini workshop with me, that will take you one hour or less if you work steadfastly purposefully, although I will say. In, [00:01:00] if I had to estimate the time it's going to take at least 50 minutes, this training is power packed and you can find it@coachjenrogers.com forward slash launch your podcast. 

[00:01:13] Jen: Coach Jen rogers.com forward slash. Launch your podcast. Okay. the podcast concern, the biggest concern or the hurdle that Wendy is experiencing is finding and keeping the audience

[00:01:26] Jen:  So technically this is really two questions in the Q and a, and you know what? I'm going to answer them both. All right. Let's start with finding the audience. Before we do. How would you answer this? At the end of the day today when I place my beautiful head on the pillow, I want to say______. Fill in the blank. I'll ask you again. At the end of the day today. When I placed my beautiful head on the pillow, I want to say _____. 

[00:01:59] Jen: [00:02:00] Jen, what does this have to do with finding an audience? Everything. And I'll share with you what I mean in one hot second. Before we put our jammies on 

[00:02:09] Jen:  and end our time together. I've got another question for you. 

[00:02:13] Jen: First think about a time you felt cherished. And then, how would you describe feeling cherished? I'll give you a moment. 

[00:02:27] Jen: You got it. Oh, good. Good. Now, now. If you don't have it, you know what to do, hit that pause button and then come back when you're ready. Ready? Now I want you to flip it. Think of a time you felt taken advantage of, or not cherished. 

[00:02:47] Jen: You got it. If you've listened to the show for a while now, you know, we've had some big. Hm, uh, birthday disruptions. That's what I'm going to call them! Birthday disruptions in our home. As in one year, the [00:03:00] first person to tell me happy birthday was the AI voice at the YMCA’s desk when I punched in. That was a little bit of a blended family scenario. 

[00:03:08] Jen: And a lot of, bit of me not feeling cherished. It hurts and not feeling cherished can leave you feeling wounded. And cautious. On today's episode number 227 of Time To Simplify, you will walk away with clear insights on very important steps you can take to not only find your audience. But cherish them and thus keep them. When you know who you serve, you connect in beautiful ways. When you're unsure and you're lacking that confidence or clarity, your clients know it. They may not be able to label it. But they sure know that it feels a little bit off. 

[00:03:51] Jen: There's a little bit of a chill in the air or a sense of distrust, even if they can't fully explain what's going on. The [00:04:00] mission of time to simplify is to break down big ginormous concepts into bite-size actionable Intel that has you not only say no to buying yet another shiny object, it has you saying yes to focus. Yes to launching. Yes 

[00:04:18] Jen: to clarity. Yes to doing things while even though you might be feeling uncomfortable, you know that in order to fulfill your entrepreneurial purpose, you've got to push through. And that's why you're here with me because we also need accountability to one another. So we can get to the goodness that comes as you iterate your way through the struggle. Hey there. 

[00:04:41] Jen: I'm Jen Rogers and I have iterated in all kinds of ways. Sometimes those ways have been epic fails. Other times those ways have opened doors and windows that I would not have seen without going through the hard of the hurdle. 

[00:04:55] Jen:  Opening those doors and windows is exactly why I'm here as a [00:05:00] top 1.5% podcaster sharing with you. So you can get there too.

[00:05:05] Jen: I'm leading this journey well, because if you're a committed entrepreneur, who's just starting out, I want to help and save you from the most common mistakes new entrepreneurs and podcasters make. When I reflect on starting my show, oh my gosh. It got to be a grind really, really fast. And it was very unclear who I was serving, even though I thought I knew, and I didn't have a practical approach to creating a solid impactful podcast. 

[00:05:35] Jen: I'll tell you what, I've got it now. And I did it through the school of hard knocks. And I simply do not want that for you. I love podcasting. I love being on either side of the microphone and I'm so. grateful to have this opportunity to connect with you through the medium of podcasting, because my mission is to save you time. And money. 

[00:05:56] Jen: And a whole lot of angst as you create your [00:06:00] new adventure. If you want your question featured on an up-and-coming Q and a, you know what to do, send me a voice message or text me. Those links are in the show notes. Better yet! Sign up for the free mini workshop. It's not fluff friend. I promise you that it's a thousand-dollar value 

[00:06:15] Jen: that is my gift to you because I don't want you to spend so much time worrying and buying all the wrong things. Are you in. Yes. Yes. Head on over to coach Jen rogers.com forward slash launch your podcast to get started. I want to share one more thing with you before we dive into finding and keeping your audience. Fully transparent. 

[00:06:39] Jen: I want to work with you to launch your show. If you say yes to launching your podcast and you are all in, I am all in with you and you can get your show launched in 90 days. If you want to know what it's like to work with me, you can experience a thousand dollars of value for free [00:07:00] by signing up for the free mini workshop. 

[00:07:02] Jen: All right, let's get started with today's episode. It's going to be a good one. There are many times in my life I have longed for the gift of singing, but it's not my specialty. This is why I talk for a living. If my husband were available, I might invite him in here to sing this song. However he's currently unavailable. 

[00:07:24] Jen: So I'm just going to give you the gist of it. Bear with me as we answer the question, How to find your audience.

[00:07:30] Jen: You know, talking about you makes me smile. But every once in a while, I want to talk about me. I want to talk about I, want to talk about the things that I like, what I want, what I know, what I see. I like talking about you, but Only. I want to talk about me. Hey, this is your permission to talk about you, no singing is required, but what the heck I'm living on the edge here. 

[00:07:56] Jen: This is the answer to finding [00:08:00] your audience. Let me explain without a musical note.


[00:08:05] Jen: Although musical notes are not a part of the rest of this episode, I do encourage and invite you to take out a notepad to record some of your thoughts and answer these questions as we go through. If you are in transit right now, changing the baby's diaper out on the Autobahn somewhere, or shopping in the grocery store, 

[00:08:22] Jen: totally cool. Save this episode, come back and listen to it later. these are critical questions for you to be able to respond to question number one in how do you find your audience?

Have you fully healed from the journey you're taking your clients on? Now, this doesn't mean that you are 100% all the way there. It just means that you are far enough down the road, that you can lead others to victory that you have already experienced. So if you are currently suffering from the grief of a significant loss, for example, [00:09:00] It's not possible to lead others on their own journey. 

[00:09:03] Jen: You need to be past that. Just like when I first started my podcast almost four years ago, I was in absolutely no position to teach anyone how to launch a show. I didn't know what I was doing, so I couldn't teach someone else. So ensure that you can explain how you have healed from how you have conquered, the thing that you want to share. 

[00:09:28] Jen: Number two. 

[00:09:29] Jen: How would you describe your, 'YOU KNOW WHEN' statement? When we're talking face to face conversations, we say a lot of the time, Hey, you know, when this thing happened, Happens then this other thing happens. So you're, you know, when statement is powerful. Let me give you an example. You know, when you or someone you love is searching for answers that don't involve the traditional medical system?

[00:09:57] Jen: Well, I help those people find [00:10:00] holistic answers to their chronic pain. So that's a, you know, when there's this pain point. Oh yeah. That is exactly what I do. I help in that area. Let me give you another example. You're here because you're a startup entrepreneur or you are looking to launch your show. 

[00:10:15] Jen: So it goes very simply like this. You know when somebody has decided that they want to launch a podcast? They don't exactly know what to do, but they know that it's possible. They also know it can feel a little overwhelming. Well, I help those entrepreneurs launch their show in 90 days. See how specific 

[00:10:38] Jen: it is what I help with and the pain point that someone has. So that's a simple, you know, when statement. This is a great time to pause the episode and think about your you know, when. 

[00:10:50] Jen: You see how this is talking all about you in the sense of thinking where you are, what you have learned from, whatever you've healed from and what you want to teach [00:11:00] to other people? And then you're, you know, when statement, which explains how you help someone. The third way to find your audience is to know what your offer is. You must know what you're selling now. 

[00:11:14] Jen: Listen, if you are screaming out from the rooftops, Jen, I'm not selling anything. I just want to help somebody; you're selling your help. You're selling your credibility. You're selling your trustworthiness. So whether or not there is money exchanged, you are a salesperson, you are selling something by getting behind the microphone and saying on this podcast, I'm going to teach you about a, B and C, because you believe in it. And you want your listener to walk away, being more informed, being more healed, knowing what next step to take. 

[00:11:49] Jen: So you are selling even if there is no money involved in the transaction. So you must know what your offer is. My offer here is I'm always [00:12:00] going to invite you to come work with me. I want you to join the next 90 day sprint. It starts September 3rd, by the way. So time is getting short for you to say yes to you to launch your show, you can launch your show by December or the beginning of December, 

[00:12:16] Jen: your show can be out there on all the podcasting platforms and you can do it without all the confusion and all the overwhelm. And I can speak to you this clearly about it, because I know because I have healed from the journey of all the podcasting mistakes, because I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed. 

[00:12:34] Jen: And I know that I can help you in 90 days launch your show. And my offer is a 90-day podcast sprint. If you are interested in that head on over to coach Jen rogers.com forward slash podcast, coach, coach Jen rogers.com forward slash podcast. Coach. I love coaching and I would be honored for you to consider me in helping you [00:13:00] launch your show without all the frustration, the fear, the tech overwhelm, all those things. 

[00:13:05] Jen: We don't need a launch to show with those things. Instead, I can set you on a clear path and work together with you in a small, intimate, limited size cohort. So you can launch your show by December. Okay, very quick recap on finding your audience. 

1.Know where you are on your own journey and what you have healed from.

2. Know, your you know when statement. 

3. Know your offer. 

[00:13:33] Jen: That's how you find your audience. You first have to talk about you to yourself. You have to understand what you are about! Wendy, this is a great question. It's such a common question that all entrepreneurs have. We must answer this question. And the thing is when we're doing something new, We have to answer these questions all over again. 

[00:13:54] Jen: So we're always iterating. Always, always, always iterating.

[00:13:58] Jen: Remember that [00:14:00] Wendy's question was actually two questions in one. So she asked how do you find your audience? Which we have just answered. And then she asked, how do you keep them? Now, this is where we flip the script and we really do make it about them once we know what we're about, we need to make it about them. 

[00:14:18] Jen: And the very basic answer to keeping your audience is ongoing market research, and there are many different ways you could do market research. And when you work with me, you will be sent off to do some very specific things to do market research, to learn more about who your audience is. There are other ways that you can perform market research that's ongoing. The engagement. 

[00:14:41] Jen: How are you engaging if you use social? How are you engaging? Are you responding to when they're asking you questions, when they're commenting on your posts? Are you checking in with them? Are you asking them how they're doing and what they need? Are you inviting them to give you feedback? 

[00:14:59] Jen: Very similar [00:15:00] to what I did when I first started the show and asked you, invited you to message me whether it's a text message or leaving me a voice message by clicking one of the links in the show notes. I want to hear from you. And I'll tell you just straight up, if you are a podcasting, that's the most challenging way to get feedback from people because they're usually doing something else while they're listening to a show. 

[00:15:21] Jen: So it's a very big ask. And I'm asking you, this is very big ask, just send me a text. Send me an email, send me a voicemail and let me know how the show is landing for you. And you can do the same thing. You can invite your audience in to give you feedback. The third way is simply emailing regularly. 

[00:15:40] Jen: Weekly emails will help keep your engagement up. And you don't just email about that thing that you're doing or about your offer. You email in share powerful information that is going to help your client up level to take it to the next level. That is how you keep your audience, [00:16:00] by cherishing them. You cherish them by keeping your ears to the ground, so to speak and really making your show, your book, your blog, your YouTube channel about them. All right, that's going to do it for today's episode number 227 of time to simplify. I am honored to spend this time with you and I'm honored to be a part of your entrepreneurial journey. 

[00:16:26] Jen: It is a wild ride for sure. If today's episode helped you, I'm going to ask you to do one of two things. Will you either one, share this with a friend with an entrepreneur that you know, could use some encouragement and some tactical answers on how to launch their business or their podcast or their blog or their YouTube or whatever it is that they're launching?

[00:16:48] Jen: And two, if you don't want to share it with a friend, which wow, that wouldn't be very friendly, but if you choose to do something else, 

[00:16:55] Jen: Will you leave a review on the podcast platform where you're listening to this show? [00:17:00] Your review is your voice. 

[00:17:02] Jen: Your comments helped me make the show better for you. 

[00:17:05] Jen: And I'm all about that. I'm all about keeping my audience. I want to keep you. I love you. I do cherish you. I know time is valuable. It's the one thing you can never get back. Thank you so much for spending time with me. I'll catch you in the next episode.

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