Time To Simplify Podcasting | 90-Day Sprints for Entrepreneurial Podcast Hosts + Guests

Can We Just STOP Talking About New Year's Resolutions?! #206

Episode 206

When you do things the world's way, you'll get the world's results.  A sneak peek at how to shake things up for the coming new year.  

👉Step One:  Just say NO to New Year Resolutions
👉Step Two:  Listen to this episode!
👉Step Three: Take the teeny tiny action step outlined to gain perspectives unique to you

Want to Read Charles Duhigg's The Power of Habit? I highly recommend!

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Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving ...

Jen Rogers, Certified Coach, Kingdom Entrepreneur, Keynote Speaker, Bible Teacher, Author

#1 Christian Podcast for Stepmoms
🏅Top 1.5% Podcast Worldwide🏅  

206 \\ What Do You Do With That Weird Space Between The End and The Beginning?

How would you use these two words in a sentence?

Word #1 exhilarating

Word #2 habit

Hi there! It’s Jen Rogers with the Empowered Stepmom Podcast! I empower high-achieving women to take back their power and joy in their relationships and at home.

Is that you?  

Hey there! Happy new year, friend! If you’re new to the community, I’m so honored to welcome you! If you’ve been a long-time listener, welcome back! And if you find yourself a visitor from time to time, come on in! It’s nice to welcome you back!

I’ll string those two words in a surprising sentence.  How did you string habit and exhilarating together?  Perhaps you said,

What a ridiculous notion that a habit could be exhilarating, Jen.


It’s exhilarating when I ditch habits altogether and do what I want when I want.

Hey….You know how they say good things come in small packages? That’s your hint for how I’ll string them together!

Today’s episode, #206 of The Empowered Stepmom Podcast is one teeny tiny episode filled with the goodness of gratitude for you as well as challenge. Gratitude – a habit I’ll be practicing more of in 2024.

Right now, I’m new planner deep in placing my dreams on paper for 2024. I’ve created special stickers for some of my upcoming main attractions – main attractions being goals I want AND outcomes I’m committing to.

Because I know you’re likely right here with me in this weirdo end of season/beginning of what’s next phase, today’s episode is a teaser for what’s coming up in 2024!  I’ll share this:  it’s not for women who simply want to take back their power and joy, it’s for women who are willing to commit to doing what it takes to put an end to joy-sucking holiday misadventures, or learn how to build relationships without compromising your integrity.  In 2024, I’m making a huge shift to focus on the small things – small, powerful commitments that have atomic power.  

As high-achievers inside the Empowered Stepmom Academy are learning all about the power of habit, you’ll learn alongside them as well. If you’re not inside the Academy, you’ll have the opportunity to pop in for special guest expert workshops the 3rd Thursday of each month.  I’m off the charts excited over the special guests I’ve got lined up – 3 powerhouse women who have committed to teach you what they know –  so you can make significant progress upleveling fast!

Because there is nothing new under the sun, I’ll also use resources available throughout the world and look at them with a feminine, kingdom-focused entrepreneurial lens.

A main resource:  Charles Duhigg and the The Power of Habit. There’ll be plenty of other habit experts as well as planners extraordinaire taking the stage – more on that in future episodes.

So…how do you string the two words, habit and exhilarating, together?  When you read the promos for Charles’ book you’ll find this: The Power of Habit contains an exhilarating argument: The key to exercising regularly, losing weight, raising exceptional children, becoming more productive, building revolutionary companies and social movements, and achieving success is understanding how habits work.

When’s the last time you attempted to remove or introduce a new habit? Have you ever deeply studied how habits work? It’s fascinating!

In lieu of new years’ resolutions where the failure rate, according to U.S News and World Report, is estimated to be about 80%. with most people losing their resolve and motivation just weeks later in mid-February, I’ll invite you to fully commit to what you say you want.  If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ll learn how to walk the walk – if you are willing.

Listen, there is no magic pill. It doesn’t matter how much we wish there were, we must take the narrow, challenge-filled road to get the transformation we pursue. We must commit.

In between now and next week’s drop, I invite you to journal about what you’re thinking about committing to.  Successful people plan.  Hello successful woman of God! It’s time to plan.  If thinking about all of 2024 feels a bit much for you, let’s exercise a powerful habit of breaking big things down into small packages of goodness.  You choose:  Focus on the first 3 months of 2024 or the year as a whole. No matter which one you choose – commit to it by doing the next thing successful people do – they write things down.  

Your mission, if you choose to accept it is to✍ journal ✍about these things: I’ll use the first quarter in my questions. Again, if you choose the whole year, the essence of the question remains.

What do I want to say about myself at the end of the first quarter?

✍What’s one thing I may want to stop doing by March 31?

✍ Is there a habit I have that annoys me?  If so, what is it?

✍Is there a habit people around me have that drives me up a tree?  What’s the trigger? What has me on edge enough that I want to escape/ignore/avoid/pretend it isn’t happening?

✍It’s January 1, 2025. Let’s get crazy and make the leap that you have all the resources you need (money/childcare/transportation/etc.) to make this happen: Where would you go to celebrate your victories you just experienced in the past year and how would you celebrate while you were there?  Who would go with you?

Need to hear these again?  Just hit the rewind button and pause in between each question or check out the show’s transcript.  Available transcripts are at bit.ly/boldstepmoms

Happy New Year!  May the Lord bless you And keep you! May His face shine upon you! I pray the Lord is gracious to you. I pray you commit to receiving his peace, one small habit of goodness at a time!

Want to share your journal prompts and get support inside our community?  Click the link in the shownotes to join us inside the FB group.  

Until the clock strikes a few days after midnight in the new year, I’m your host, Jen Rogers, signing off for 2023.

God bless you.

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